Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Birthday so Far

Okay folks it's 2:30pm and here's the day so far...

9:00ish rolled out of bed to find Amy already awake and dowstairs with Lucy. I go down the hall to check email, post a Happy Birthday to Amy and makea a phone call to firm up birthday plans.

10:30 We head out to an undisclosed destination. Amy has no idea where wea re going, but she is stressed because I have us up against the clock and she had been planning to go to the gym.

11:10 We arrive at Atlanta's premiere spa chain, Spa Sydell (www.spasydell.com) for a couple's massage.

12:15 The massage is over and we head down the road to Sandy Springs for lunch at our favorite Brazilian BBQ, Caro de bois where we feasted on many meats, cut from the spit right at our table, including garlic sirloin, sausages, roast leg of lamb, roast pork with parmesean, bacon wrapped sirloin, beef tenderloin and several others we passed on including dried cured beef, and chicken hearts. This place is the best use of an old Applebee's I have ever seen.

2:15 and we are home to chill. Tentatively the plan is to relax, watch some tv or DVDs, play some board games and tonight watch the premiere of the new season of American Idol.

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