Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Five Months Later

Well, I can't say as I intended to take a 5 month leave of absence from the old blog here. I have just not been inspired to write much and have been using Facebook and Twitter instead of writing posting anything here. I think I'm going to try to make a bit of a balance between the two for a bit.

Today was a special day for me as a Daddy. Back in March my wife Amy and I traveled to China and adopted a baby girl (one year old) who was born with clubbed feet (they were literally turned backwards when she was born). During her first year of life she was taken in by an American-run foster home called Swallows Nest in Zhaungzhou, Henan Province, China. They saw her through surgery and corrective casting to fix her feet. She wears a brace at night to keep her feet from turning, and she gets therapy every 2 weeks from Cobb County, GA. She had therapy today and though we've seen her walk a few steps and then fall to her knees, we were amazed to see this...

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