Tuesday, December 19, 2006

My eyes

My eyes are bugging me. It's been going on for a few weeks where I have to squint to focus even with contacts. Now it's causing headaches which makes me irritable which is not good for work.


Cyndi said...

now this is just a thought but when was the last time you had your eyes checked? You probably need a new prescription.but thats just the obvious solution go to the eye doctor, you only get 2 eyes dont take any chances.

Valtool said...

Yep, actually went last week and new trials are supposed to be in now. However this is something more as I had similar symptoms about 14 months ago and was hospitalized for two days of tests, MRI, CT, Spinal Tap (this goes to 11). They found nothing and it eventually corrected itself.

The optometrist we saw acknowledged the muscle strain and the element of balance that was missing trying to get the eyes to focus together. I can see fine out of either, it's the both that hurts. Hopefully my internal medicine doc will set me up with referals to the neuro-opthamologist I saw last year.

On a positive health note, I now posess and am taking all of my meds. I also found a neat item a Linens N Things last weekend, a 2.2 litre water jug, designed for you to fill and consume your 8 glasses of water per day. I have filled and consumed it all twice a day for the past two days.

I am drinking a lot less soda and even cutting down on my tea, which means my caffiene consumption is off. :(

Unknown said...

I am so proud of him and look forward to be being more proactive on water drinking as well

tiggerprr said...

you two are so supportive of eachother, it's so nice to see! Hope your eyes get better soon and it's not something serious. Eye-related headaches are awful!

Cyndi said...

good job on the water for both of you, I'm just lately drinking alot more water. I hope things turn out good with your eyes.

steven.russell said...

just say NO to a spinal tap!!!

Valtool said...

Actually my spinal tap went very well. I didn't feel much of anything and I was zonked out of my gourd for the next who knows how many hours. A coworker of Amy's had come by to visit and I was pretty much the equivalent of a piece of furniture!